Saturday, September 6, 2008

Palin Derangement Syndrome

It just dawned on me why Palin Derangement Syndrome already seems like a more severe strain of pathology than its related disorder, Bush Derangement Syndrome. In the case of both diseases, those afflicted have an irrational conviction that the Republican in question is a monster. In the case of PDS, however, they also believe that the monstrous nature of Palin will necessarily manifest itself in her personal or family life.

Clearly, this belief is unsupported by history. Nixon was a scoundrel, but you couldn't tell that from his personal life. In fact, I don't think you could tell from Hitler's personal life that he was a monster, at least in 1932. Why do Palin's enemies think that the dangers she supposedly poses to the lives of Americans will necessarily be revealed through a detailed examination of her personal and family life?

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