Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Drip, drip, drip

The National Enquirer is upping the ante again with a further installment on their John Edwards "love child" story. This particular update seems calculated to compel some kind of a response from the mother, Rielle Hunter, and the putative father Andrew Young. The article reveals the name of the baby and alleges that a wealthy friend of Edwards has been funneling "hush money" to Hunter at the rate of $15,000 a month in addition to undisclosed amounts to Young.

If Young really is the father, then the Enquirer's reporting to date would seem to represent an outrageous (and undoubtedly actionable) invasion of privacy against him, Hunter and the baby. It's hard to see how anyone could continue to weather the onslaught of such unwarranted publicity without filing suit against the Enquirer or otherwise fighting back in some highly public way. For that reason, I would expect this story to take a dramatic turn, one way or the other, in the near future. Either Edwards will be forced to own up to the relationship or Hunter and Young will start pushing back. The drip, drip, drip can't go on indefinitely.

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